Sunday, March 21, 2010


The three uses of technology that i can't live without would be the computer(Internet),my hand phone and transportation,but the most important one,would be the Internet.The reason why i chose these 3 items would obversely be because,without them,life would be so much harder.The Internet,is of course important because it has so many useful and important things such as,Google,websites,dictionaries and so much more.Without them,i would not know how life would be.I wonder how our grandparents and parents lived without the Internet last time.The Internet is so useful that it can replace other technologies like,the television.Nowadays,if you miss one episode of your favorite show on tv,you can always go online and watch it or even finish the whole show because you can't wait for the next episode to show on tv.Next,is the handphone.The reason why i chose that is because in case you forgot something,you can always ask someone to help you get it and send it to you or meet you somewhere.Or,you forgot what you were supposed to do for homework,you could always sms one of your classmates and ask them.That's why the handphone is also a necessity.Lastly,is a basic need of transportation.Without it,how would we get anywhere like school?If you live far away from your school,then it would take you ages just to get there on foot and by the time you reach there,school would be over.As you see,this is why i chose these three technologies.Thank you :)

In the news

I will be writing about the article,"Russian kills wife,daughters" because I feel that the death of the wife and daughters were unnecessary even though he meant good.Even if he did not want his family to be hostages of financial difficulties and debts,I think that there should be other choices,other than death.Just because of a simple problem,lives should not be taken.Lives are precious and should never be wasted for such things.I understand that he was trying to protect his family,but this is not a way of doing so!He could have done so many other things like migrating to another country and start new.One more thing,I really feel sorry for his son because almost all his family members were killed leaving him alone in this world with his father.I think he must really despise his father,and has a lot of mixed up feelings now.If i were his son,I would say that that man is not my father and and never forgive him for what he did and hate myself for not detecting that this would happen, as well as sad for losing my precious family members.I hope the two people will somehow manage and wish them all the best.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Self introduction

My name is Chong Ren Mae.I am 13 this year.I am a VERY lazy person and always procrastinate when asked to do things.I think the reason why I am so lazy is because when i was young my parents treated me better than my siblings because i am the youngest.There are five people in my family and they are my sister,brother,father,mother and me.My sister is five years older than me and my brother is 7 years older than me.Every year,i would say, "OH MY GOSH!!!I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MY BROTHER AND SISTER ARE SO OLD!" And up to now,i still cannot believe it and accept the fact that they are so old.

Moving on,to my hobbies,they are writing,reading,using the computer and other stuff i cannot think of now.Writing is not what i really enjoy but once i start,i can't stop and soon,without realising it,i am enjoying it.Maybe the reason why i enjoy it is because i always add in funny parts that make myself laugh at it too.I use to not like writing at all until last year,the time when i met my best-good friend.Her English is very good and she taught me a lot of new words and things.It was hard to believe that she was the same age as me when she was so smart and in the same class as me,which was the worst class.Although her attitude towards a lot of things were bad and the words she say were not really that nice,i still respected her.She may look like a bad person on the outside because she says out the truth with no hesitation,but she is a super good person on the inside but very few people can see that.She was the one who inspired me to write and take my studies seriously.That is why,i made it into express.If not for her,i think i would have not made it into express.

I am not so good in my studies,as I have said already.The two subjects i am worse in are Chinese and math.As for my better subjects,they are English and science.But I am not so good in my English and science too because,for English,my spelling is really bad and for science,i take a long time to memorise everything.I am a slow learner,a VERY slow learner.Sometimes,I take more than 2 years to understand something and when i finally understand,I may forget about it within 1 week. I really hate myself when i do that.

The next thing I am going to talk about is about my pri 6 class.They may not be the smartest,nor the kindest nor the best class in the school,but they were the best classmates to me.Although sometimes i really get pissed off with some of my classmates for being very stupid,they are still good people in their own ways.Some of my classmates i may despise but some my them,i will treasure.But without the ones i hate and the ones i treasure,my class would not be the best class ever(to me).Without the people i hate,or maybe my whole class hates,i think we would not have had all the funny times we had.I really miss my class much and wish to see them soon,which i am.

My class this year,is ok.Well i have no right to judge this class yet,for i don't know a lot about them.This year,i hope to work hard and change for the better.I hope everyone will change for the better too,and NOT for the worse.=D

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A photo of me

A picture of me and my sis in Thailand.

Me and my two other good or best friends in a taxi.We were going to Bugis Juntion to window shop and take some neoprints.On the way there, we took some photos in the taxi and this is one of them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who Am I?

As i have said,my name is Ren Mae.The reason why I usually not use my full name is because I don't really like my sur name.On the other hand,i prefer my name to my sur name.I don't know why I like my name but hate my sur name,I just do.Maybe it's because my name is more "unique" than my sur name.Anyway,i think that is enough about my name so let's move on to other subjects about,who else but ME!

As the years passed,i have noticed some interesting things about myself.Most of them are weird and only some of them are normal.One of the weird ones is that i realised that the neatness of my handwriting is based on my mood.When i feel calm or angry, my handwriting is nicer but when i feel uncomfortable or any other feeling that i cannot think of right now, my handwriting will be very untidy.

I am not very good in my studies so since i was young, my parents have sent me to a lot of classes in hope that i find something that i am good at.But so far, I have not found anything I am good at yet. That is why, my aim or wish for this year is that i find the thing I am good in. But so far, most of the lessons i have joined, I have already quit because it is either that i am too lazy to go there or I do not like it anymore. Some of the things I have learned are, violin, cello, piano, hip-hop, ballet and junk jazz. So far, everything I have learned, I am really bad in.I think i need to have more confidence in myself but I cannot bring myself to be more confident.

My family consist of five people,my parents and my two elder siblings,my sister and my brother. Among me and my siblings, my sister is the smart one. The reason why she is the smart one is very obvious. Firstly, she got 250 for her PSLE,then got into IP programme and went to JC in sec 3. Secondly, her Chinese is the best in my family. Although it may not be very good, it is still exceptional. There may be other reasons too but i cannot think of them now. Moving on to the eldest,my brother. He may not be so bright in his studies but he is very good is his art and that is why he is the talented one. He is so amazing in drawing but it is too bad he is not so good in his studies. If not, he would be the perfect one. Lastly,there is me,the one which is not good in anything. As i have said, I am not good in anything i do and hope that i can find the thing I am good in by the end of this year.

To me, I think hobbies and things i do for fun because I am bored are two different things. Although I too cannot really see how they are different. That really puzzles me and when i think about it too much, I will get a headache and give up bothering about it. Back to the topic of hobbies, my hobbies are reading, listening to music, playing the computer and more. The type of books I usually read are mystery. I like the feeling of suspense and wondering what will happen in each chapter. One of my favourite author is Carl Phiaasen. The reason why i like his books are because I like the way he writes. Every chapter is filled with mysteries and questions that you want to find out. I think his books are the kind of books I like most. Sometimes i wish that everyone would write the same way as him. But if everyone does, then it would be kind of boring after awhile. So maybe it is not a good idea.

I would love to write more but mu hand really hurts and my brain hurts a lot now so i guess this is all i will be writing now.