Sunday, March 21, 2010

In the news

I will be writing about the article,"Russian kills wife,daughters" because I feel that the death of the wife and daughters were unnecessary even though he meant good.Even if he did not want his family to be hostages of financial difficulties and debts,I think that there should be other choices,other than death.Just because of a simple problem,lives should not be taken.Lives are precious and should never be wasted for such things.I understand that he was trying to protect his family,but this is not a way of doing so!He could have done so many other things like migrating to another country and start new.One more thing,I really feel sorry for his son because almost all his family members were killed leaving him alone in this world with his father.I think he must really despise his father,and has a lot of mixed up feelings now.If i were his son,I would say that that man is not my father and and never forgive him for what he did and hate myself for not detecting that this would happen, as well as sad for losing my precious family members.I hope the two people will somehow manage and wish them all the best.

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